Board of management profile

General Manager:
Hasnul Hadi Hassan. 25. He was the degree holder in business administration from Inter national Islamic University Malaysia. He had experience in banking/finance which he worked 3 years at Citibank Berhad. He is responsible to ensure the companies perform effectively. His job scope is comprised from monitoring, controlling and making decision making for the best interest of the company.

Executive Manager of Marketing:
Fariz Jasni. 25. He was the degree holder in Accounting from International Islamic University Malaysia. He had an experienced in sales and marketing for about 3 years. Before joining the Myfarm, he worked in Xerox Corporation. His responsibility is to ensure the Myfarm marketing strategy work parallel with the mission of the company.

Executive Manager of Finance:
Najmuddin Hassan. 25. He was the degree holder in Accounting from International Islamic University Malaysia. Before joining the Myfarm, he was working as accountants at CIMB Bank Berhad for 2 year. He is in charge regarding company cash flow management that reflects financial statement of Myfarm.

Executive Manager of Operation:
Nordin Metuhu. 25. He was the degree holder in Economics from International Islamic University Malaysia. He is a fresh graduate and joining Myfarm. As an Executive Manager of Operation, he is responsible to ensure the quality of products and services efficiently and effectively according to plan. He also monitors performance of the company to maximizing production and operations with the most efficiency.