Survey Question


  1. Have you heard about My Farm product?
    Yes No
  2. Where do you get the information on My Farm product?
    a) Internet
    b) Television
    c) Radio
    d) Newspaper
    e) Others
  3. If you used one of our products, which product do you use?
    a) Milk
    b) Livestock/goat meat
    c) Food supplement for livestock breeding
  4. If not, from whom that you used to buy these things. Please state the company’s name.
  5. Why do you choose this company?
    a) Those products are well known already
    b) Easy access to get those products
    c) Less information about Myfarm
    d) Cheaper.
  6. Are you satisfied with our products?
    Yes No
  7. Can you please rank which products that satisfy you the most (1 is the best while 3 is the least)?
    a) Milk ________
    b) Livestock/goat meat ________
    c) Food supplement for livestock breeding. ________
  8. Why are you satisfied with these products rather than others?
    a) Cheap
    b) Easy access
    c) Local product
    d) Quality
  9. Overall rate of our company’s product, services, performance and quality.
    1. Product =
    2. Services =
    3. Performance =
    4. Quality =
  10. What is your suggestion to improve our products and services?

Thank You